In kindergarten at Strothoff International School, we value early childhood education as the foundation of lifelong learning. We understand childhood as continuous development within a broad spectrum of opportunities that have a strong potential to develop specific skills. We do not standardize child development by assigning them to an age, group and believe that the best way to assess children and help them grow is through developmental stages. We understand the stages of child development and the expectations associated with each. One of our strategies to successful teaching is to build a strong relationship between educator and child.
Our bilingual kindergarten follows the Primary Years Program (PYP) and the Hessian Education & Development Plan (BEP) .
The Primary Years Program has been developed by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) for children aged three to twelve. It enjoys an excellent reputation in the global education landscape. The PYP is an international, transdisciplinary program designed to foster the development of the whole child by encompassing students’ social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to their academic welfare. Students develop an understanding of important concepts, acquire essential skills and knowledge, develop attitudes and learn to take socially responsible action. A child’s physical and creative/artistic development is fostered by incorporating arts/music and sports activities in their daily schedule.
In addition to the IB framework, we integrate into our pedagogical work the Hessian Education & Development Plan (BEP) where children strengthen their basic competencies and identity. Our daycare center offers children opportunities for participation, so they can experience self-efficacy while learning about, and communicating, their own interests and needs. Together, with other children and our pedagogical staff, the students learn in an age-appropriate way through co-construction in the following developmental areas:
- communication: language, literacy (written culture) and media
- body, movement and health/rest and relaxation
- social and cultural environment
- aesthetic education "free design”
- music
- natural science education
- basic mathematical experiences
We use purposeful play as the vehicle for learning. Purposeful play is widely recognized as the best learning practice in early education. It allows our children to experience and explore the world around them, while promoting social responsibility and cultural awareness. "Purposeful play is not just any play. It is not only fun, but it also allows children to make sense of their experiences. It also requires teachers to carefully plan play experiences and organize the environment to facilitate the child's play" ( 2018).
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning.” - Me. Rogers
We facilitate a trusting, safe, and stimulating environment where children can learn through the playful process of their own efforts. They are continually encouraged to make choices, take risks, and reflect on their observations. Through child-inspired play and focused learning, all children have the time and space to develop into curious and creative thinkers; unique individuals who thrive in a complex and ever-changing world. This includes considering children's learning needs and abilities in order to plan accordingly. We accompany the children in their individual development in cooperation with families.
We value the uniqueness of each child.