IB Diploma Programme (ages 16-19)

Strothoff International School offers its students three options for completing secondary education: the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), the High School Diploma Programme (HSDP) and the Baccalaureate-equivalent International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Abi-IBDP). All three programmes start in MYP4 and MYP5, with differentiation in the last two years of school. All students who successfully complete years 9-12 receive a High School Diploma. Depending on their subject choices they can either do the IB Diploma or the Abi-IB.

DP Curriculum


The IBDP is a demanding two-year programme leading to the IB Diploma. It is recognised and valued at leading universities around the world. 

Our students have the following choices as far as course assignments are concerned: 

  • German A and English A, Language and Literature, Self-supported Home Language 
  • English B, German B
  • Business Management, Global Politics
  • Mathematics
  • Biology, Physics, Chemistry
  • Visual Arts/Design, Psychology, Business Management

In order to provide our students with more options for DP subjects. We also offer Pamoja classes. Pamoja is a IB approved online provider that offers DP lessons additionally to the school’s programme. These courses have a fee attached. 

In addition, students complete a core component consisting of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) requirements, a Theory of Knowledge (ToK) course and a 4,000-word essay.

To be eligible for Strothoff International School’s IBDP, students must demonstrate academic maturity and a high level of ability.


Strothoff International School offers its own diploma, which is recognised as an official high school diploma by universities around the world due to our accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the Council for International Schools (CIS). The High School Diploma Programme (HSDP) follows a challenging timetable. Students who choose the HSDP work with the Diploma Coordinator to create their timetable. In the HSDP, it is possible to take some IB standard level courses and receive IB certificates after completing IB exams. In addition, HSDP students complete the CAS requirements. 

In order to offer a wider variety of subjects, our HSD students can sign up for more courses through an external provider. 


Students who take certain courses and achieve certain examination results can have their IB Diploma recognised as equivalent to the German Abitur. Details on the German recognition of the IB Diploma can be found on the KMK Website