Legal Notice
Strothoff International School
Frankfurter Str. 160 – 166
63303 Dreieich
Staatlich anerkannte Ergänzungsschule in freier Trägerschaft der Phorms Hessen gGmbH
Phone: +49 (0)6103 80 22 500
Fax: +49 (0) 6103 80 22 555
E-Mail: info@sischool.de (Please do not send applications by e-mail. Please apply online at jobs.phorms.de)
Managing Director: Alexander Thoms, Güllü Aras
Registration court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt
HRB 79800
USt.-Id.Nr.: DE303764342
Out-of-cort-settlement of consumer disputes:
The school board is not obliged to take part in out-of-court dispute resolution procedures for consumer disputes. There will be no voluntary participation.
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In its judgment of 12 May 1998, the Regional Court of Hamburg ruled that the party providing a link can possibly share responsibility for the content of the linked page. In the view of the court, such shared responsibility can only be prevented if the party expressly distances itself from such content.
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Legal validity of this disclaimer
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The Phorms Education SE informs in relation to the discussion about the possible influences of the Scientology Cult in education that Phorms Education has had no dealings with the beliefs, practices and methods of this cult, since its foundation.
Every employee and board member in Phorms Schools and Management has signed an official document declaring that he or she has no association with and does not support the teaching or beliefs of Scientology. This document is recommended by the “Sektenbeauftragte der Länder” and the Association of Private Schools in Germany.